904-860-TAXI (8294)
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Please consider supporting the St. Johns River Taxi and the OnBoard Jax! campaign though advertising, group ticket purchases for your employees, or through an event sponsorship. We will recognize our partners on our website and in marketing collateral and we plan to work with them for all special events related to the river taxi. For information on sponsoring the River Taxi, contact us at And, please be sure to support our current partners!
City of Jacksonville
Special thanks to the City of Jacksonville for supporting the St. Johns River Taxi through the OnBoard Jax! Program! To learn more about the City of Jacksonville, visit
St. Johns Riverkeeper offers educational tours at least once a month. Learn more about the tours and the mission of the St. Johns Riverkeeper at
Come see what's new at the Omni Jacksonville Hotel!
245 Water Street
Jacksoniville, FL 32202
(904) 355-6664
Jacksonville Jaguars
Take the River Taxi to cheer on the Jags! Check back to purchase a "Park & Cruise" pass. This year, we will sell river taxi passes for the entire season! Click here to view this year's game schedule.
The Florida Times-Union is the official print media sponsor of the St. Johns River Taxi. Learn more about all that's happening in Jacksonville by visiting their website
The JAX Chamber is a not-for-profit organization with more than 3,000 members serving Northeast Florida, helping members to make connections, grow their businesses and prosper in our community.
Learn more at